Pyrotech Contributor License Agreement
Version 1.0.0 February 21, 2019
This is a reference copy of the terms of the Pyrotech Contributor License Agreement. To actually complete and submit a CLA, please go to the CLA form.
Thank you for your interest in the Pyrotech project. In order for You (as defined below) to make intellectual property Contributions (as defined below) now or in the future to the Pyrotech project, You must agree to this Contributor License Agreement ("CLA").
Please read this CLA carefully before accepting its terms. By accepting the CLA, You are agreeing to be bound by its terms. If You want to accept this CLA, complete the form completely, print a copy for Your records, and when ready, press the “Accept” button at the end of this form.
As used in this CLA: (i) “You" (or "Your") shall mean the entity that is making this Agreement with the Pyrotech project; (ii)"Contribution" shall mean any original work of authorship, including any modifications or additions to an existing work, that is submitted by You to the Pyrotech project for inclusion in, or documentation of, the project; and (iii) “Submit” (or “Submitted”) means any form of communication sent to the Pyrotech project (e.g. the content You post on electronic mailing lists, forums, content management systems, source code control systems, code review systems, issue tracking systems, etc. that are used by the Pyrotech project).
This agreement applies to all Contributions You Submit.
This CLA, and the license(s) associated with the particular Pyrotech project You are contributing to, provides a license to Your Contributions to the Pyrotech project and downstream consumers, but You still own Your Contributions, and except for the licenses provided for in this CLA, You reserve all right, title and interest in Your Contributions.
The Pyrotech project requires that each Contribution You Submit now or in the future to comply with the following four commitments.
- You will only Submit Contributions where You have authored 100% of the content.
- You will only Submit Contributions to which You have the necessary rights. This means that if You are employed You have received the necessary permissions from Your employer to make the Contributions.
- Whatever content You Contribute will be provided under the license(s) associated with the particular Pyrotech project You are contributing to. You can see the license(s), or find links to the license(s) in the LICENSE.txt included in the project.
- You understand and agree that the Pyrotech project and Your contributions are public, and that a record of the contribution (including all personal information You submit with it, including Your sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with the license(s) involved.
You will promptly notify the Pyrotech project if You become aware of any facts or circumstances that would make these commitments inaccurate in any way. To do so, please create a new issue on the github repository.