
import mods.pyrotech.BrickSawmill;


static void addRecipe(
  string name,            // unique recipe name
  IItemStack output,      // recipe output
  IIngredient input,      // recipe input
  int burnTimeTicks,      // recipe duration in ticks
  IIngredient blade,      // blade(s) used
  @Optional int woodChips // amount of wood chips produced per recipe

static void removeRecipes(
  IIngredient output // output ingredient to match

static void removeAllRecipes();

static void setGameStages(
  Stages stages // game stages

Sets game stage logic required to use the device.


It is important to use :* for the meta value of the sawblades to ensure that the blade will continue to be valid after taking damaged.

import mods.pyrotech.BrickSawmill;

// cut oak logs into oak planks in 10 seconds using an iron or diamond sawblade
// and produce 8 wood chips
BrickSawmill.addRecipe("oak_planks_from_oak_logs", <minecraft:planks:0>, <minecraft:log:0>, 200, <pyrotech:sawmill_blade_iron:*>.or(<pyrotech:sawmill_blade_diamond:*>), 8);