import mods.pyrotech.BrickKiln;
static void addRecipe(
string name, // unique recipe name
IItemStack output, // recipe output
IIngredient input, // recipe input
int burnTimeTicks // recipe duration in ticks
static void addRecipe(
string name, // unique recipe name
IItemStack output, // recipe output
IIngredient input, // recipe input
int burnTimeTicks, // recipe duration in ticks
float failureChance, // chance for item to fail conversion
IItemStack[] failureItems // array of randomly chosen failure items
static void removeRecipes(
IIngredient output // output ingredient to match
static void removeAllRecipes();
static void setGameStages(
Stages stages // game stages
Sets game stage logic required to use the device.
import mods.pyrotech.BrickKiln;
// fire a cobblestone block into a stone block in five minutes
BrickKiln.addRecipe("stone_from_cobblestone", <minecraft:stone>, <minecraft:cobblestone>, 6000);
// fire a cobblestone block into a stone block in five minutes with a 25% chance
// to fail and instead produce dirt
BrickKiln.addRecipe("stone_from_cobblestone", <minecraft:stone>, <minecraft:cobblestone>, 6000, 0.25, [<minecraft:dirt>]);