
import mods.pyrotech.IroncladAnvil;


static void addRecipe(
  string name,                // unique recipe name
  IItemStack output,          // recipe output
  IIngredient input,          // recipe input
  int hits,                   // base number of hammer hits required
  string type,                // hammer | pickaxe
  @Optional boolean inherited // true if the recipe should be inherited

static void removeRecipes(
  IIngredient output // recipe output to match

static void removeAllRecipes();

static void setGameStages(
  Stages stages // game stages

Sets game stage logic required to use the device.


import mods.pyrotech.IroncladAnvil;

IroncladAnvil.addRecipe("cobblestone_from_stone", <minecraft:cobblestone>, <minecraft:stone>, 8, "hammer");