import mods.pyrotech.Bloomery;
static void removeAllBloomeryRecipes();
static void removeAllWitherForgeRecipes();
static void removeBloomeryRecipes(
IIngredient output // the output ingredients to match
Recipes that have an output that matches any of the given ingredients will be removed.
static void removeWitherForgeRecipes(
IIngredient output // the output ingredients to match
Recipes that have an output that matches any of the given ingredients will be removed.
static Bloomery createBloomeryBuilder(
string name, // the name of the recipe - should be unique
IItemStack output, // the output item received from the bloom
IIngredient input, // the recipe input
@Optional boolean inherited // true if the recipe should be inherited
Creates and returns a new bloomery recipe builder.
static Bloomery createWitherForgeBuilder(
string name, // the name of the recipe - should be unique
IItemStack output, // the output item received from the bloom
IIngredient input // the recipe input
Creates and returns a new wither forge recipe builder.
static void addBloomeryFuelModifier(
IIngredient fuel,
double modifier
static void addWitherForgeFuelModifier(
IIngredient fuel,
double modifier
static void setBloomGameStages(
Stages stages // game stages
Sets game stage logic required to use the bloom.
static void setBloomeryGameStages(
Stages stages // game stages
Sets game stage logic required to use the bloomery.
static void setWitherForgeGameStages(
Stages stages // game stages
Sets game stage logic required to use the wither forge.
Bloomery setBurnTimeTicks(
int burnTimeTicks // the base time in ticks to produce a bloom
Sets the base time in ticks that this recipe takes to produce a bloom. This value is further modified by fuel level and airflow.
Bloomery setExperience(
float experience // the total experience produced by a bloom
Sets the total experience rewarded for hammering on the bloom.
Bloomery setFailureChance(
float failureChance // the recipe's failure chance
Sets the recipe's chance to fail and produce an item from the recipe's failure items. This is applied to items received from hammering a bloom.
Bloomery setBloomYield(
int min, // the minimum output yield
int max // the maximum output yield
Sets the random range for the total number of output items produced by hammering a bloom.
Bloomery setSlagItem(
IItemStack slagItem, // the item to use as slag
int slagCount // the amount of slag produced in-world during processing
Sets the slag item and the amount of in-world slag produced during operation.
Bloomery addFailureItem(
IItemStack itemStack, // the failure item
int weight // the weight
Adds a weighted item to the list of items chosen as a failure item.
Bloomery setLangKey(
string langKey // the lang key
The lang key provided here will be used to construct the display name of the output bloom. If this parameter is omitted, the recipe will use the lang key of the input item.
When more than one lang key is provided, separated by a semicolon ;
, the first lang key is resolved, then passed into the next lang key and so on.
For example, if supplied with the parameter tile.oreIron;item.pyrotech.slag.unique
, tile.oreIron
will first be resolved to Iron Ore
before being passed into item.pyrotech.slag.unique
, resulting in Iron Ore Slag
, which is then passed into
and ultimately resolved to Iron Ore Slag Bloom
NOTE: The '.name' suffix is added internally and should not be included here.
Bloomery setAnvilTiers(
string[] tiers // valid enums: granite, ironclad
Provide an array of granite
and / or ironclad
Anvil recipe inheritance does not apply to bloom recipes. That means recipes created for the granite anvil will not be inherited by the ironclad anvil. A bloom recipe's anvil tier must be set here.
void register();
This must be called on the builder last to actually register the recipe defined in the builder.
The following two recipes are the same recipes that Pyrotech uses for Iron Ore Blooms and Iron Ore Slag Blooms.
import mods.pyrotech.Bloomery;
// recipe for an iron bloom from an iron ore
"bloom_from_iron_ore", // recipe name
<minecraft:iron_nugget>, // output
<minecraft:iron_ore> // input
.setAnvilTiers(["granite", "ironclad"])
.setBloomYield(12, 15)
.setSlagItem(<pyrotech:generated_slag_iron>, 4)
.addFailureItem(<pyrotech:slag>, 1)
.addFailureItem(<pyrotech:generated_slag_iron>, 2)
// recipe for an iron slag bloom from an iron slag pile
"bloom_from_iron_slag", // recipe name
<minecraft:iron_nugget>, // output
<pyrotech:generated_pile_slag_iron> // input
.setAnvilTiers(["granite", "ironclad"])
.setBloomYield(12, 15)
.setSlagItem(<pyrotech:generated_slag_iron>, 2)
.addFailureItem(<pyrotech:rock:0>, 1)
.addFailureItem(<pyrotech:slag>, 2)