
import mods.pyrotech.Campfire;


static void addRecipe(
  string name,        // unique recipe name
  IItemStack output,  // recipe output
  IIngredient input,  // recipe input
  @Optional int ticks // recipe duration in ticks, defaults to config value

static void blacklistSmeltingRecipes(
  IIngredient[] output // output ingredients to blacklist

static void blacklistAllSmeltingRecipes();

Blacklist all smelting recipes.

static void whitelistSmeltingRecipes(
  IIngredient[] output // output ingredients to whitelist

static void removeRecipes(
  IIngredient output // output ingredient to match

Removes pre-existing recipes, ie. recipes added by the mod.

static void whitelistFuel(
  IIngredient fuel

Whitelist ingredient for use as fuel in the campfire. Note: blacklist will take precedence over whitelist. This means you can whitelist and blacklist if you wanted.

static void blacklistFuel(
  IIngredient fuel

Blacklist ingredient from use as fuel in the campfire. Note: blacklist will take precedence over whitelist. This means you can whitelist an oredict group and blacklist a single item from it if you wanted.

static void setGameStages(
  Stages stages // game stages

Sets game stage logic required to use the device.


import mods.pyrotech.Campfire;

Campfire.addRecipe("roasted_carrot_from_carrot", <pyrotech:carrot_roasted>, <minecraft:carrot>);