import mods.pyrotech.Campfire;
static void addRecipe(
string name, // unique recipe name
IItemStack output, // recipe output
IIngredient input, // recipe input
@Optional int ticks // recipe duration in ticks, defaults to config value
static void blacklistSmeltingRecipes(
IIngredient[] output // output ingredients to blacklist
static void blacklistAllSmeltingRecipes();
Blacklist all smelting recipes.
static void whitelistSmeltingRecipes(
IIngredient[] output // output ingredients to whitelist
static void removeRecipes(
IIngredient output // output ingredient to match
Removes pre-existing recipes, ie. recipes added by the mod.
static void whitelistFuel(
IIngredient fuel
Whitelist ingredient for use as fuel in the campfire.
Note: blacklist will take precedence over whitelist.
This means you can whitelist
static void blacklistFuel(
IIngredient fuel
Blacklist ingredient from use as fuel in the campfire. Note: blacklist will take precedence over whitelist. This means you can whitelist an oredict group and blacklist a single item from it if you wanted.
static void setGameStages(
Stages stages // game stages
Sets game stage logic required to use the device.
import mods.pyrotech.Campfire;
Campfire.addRecipe("roasted_carrot_from_carrot", <pyrotech:carrot_roasted>, <minecraft:carrot>);