Conditional Modifiers
The drying racks use conditional modifiers to derive their base speeds. These modifiers can be edited for each drying rack in the
Explicit base speeds can be defined per biome using CraftTweaker:
import mods.pyrotech.DryingRack;
DryingRack.setBiomeSpeed(3.0, "minecraft:plains");
DryingRack.setBiomeSpeed(4.2, ["minecraft:ocean", "minecraft:desert"]);
Below is the logic that governs the speed calculations. I've exposed it here to make it easier to understand how the config values affect the speed of the device.
double calculatedSpeed = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// First, look for an explicit biome base speed set with CraftTweaker.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Map<String, Float> biomeSpeeds = this.getBiomeSpeeds();
ResourceLocation registryName = biome.getRegistryName();
boolean isExplicitBiomeSpeedSet = false;
if (registryName != null) {
String registryNameString = registryName.toString();
Float explicitSpeed = biomeSpeeds.get(registryNameString);
if (explicitSpeed != null) {
calculatedSpeed = explicitSpeed;
isExplicitBiomeSpeedSet = true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If an explicit speed was not found, derive the base speed of the device
// using conditional modifiers.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!isExplicitBiomeSpeedSet) {
if (canRain && {
// If the biome can rain and the device is being directly rained on,
// set the new speed to this device's rain speed.
// A negative speed will reduce recipe progress.
calculatedSpeed = modifiers.DIRECT_RAIN;
} else if ((canRain && || biome.isHighHumidity()) {
// If the biome can rain and it is raining somewhere, or the biome is high
// humidity, the new speed is set to this:
calculatedSpeed = modifiers.INDIRECT_RAIN;
} else if ( {
// If the device is in the Nether, set the new speed to this:
calculatedSpeed = modifiers.NETHER;
} else {
// Otherwise, set the new speed and then additively modify it based
// on further criteria.
calculatedSpeed = modifiers.BASE_DERIVED;
if (BiomeDictionary.getBiomes(BiomeDictionary.Type.HOT).contains(biome)) {
// If the biome is hot, increase the speed:
calculatedSpeed += modifiers.DERIVED_HOT;
if (BiomeDictionary.getBiomes(BiomeDictionary.Type.DRY).contains(biome)) {
// If the biome is dry, increase the speed:
calculatedSpeed += modifiers.DERIVED_DRY;
if (BiomeDictionary.getBiomes(BiomeDictionary.Type.COLD).contains(biome)) {
// If the biome is cold, decrease the speed:
calculatedSpeed += modifiers.DERIVED_COLD;
if (BiomeDictionary.getBiomes(BiomeDictionary.Type.WET).contains(biome)) {
// If the biome is wet, decrease the speed:
calculatedSpeed += modifiers.DERIVED_WET;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Next, scan a region around the device and look for a fire block,
// or a block that counts as a fire source. Add speed bonus for each
// adjacent fire or fire source block.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
final float[] fireSourceBonus = new float[1];
int range = modifiers.FIRE_SOURCE_BONUS_RANGE;
BlockHelper.forBlocksInCube(, this.pos, range, range, range, (w, p, bs) -> {
if (this.isSpeedBonusBlock(bs, p)) {
fireSourceBonus[0] += modifiers.FIRE_SOURCE_BONUS;
return true;
calculatedSpeed += fireSourceBonus[0];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Next, add an extra speed bonus if it's not raining, the rack is
// under the sky, and it's daytime.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!
&& % 24000 > 3000
&& % 24000 < 9000) {
calculatedSpeed += modifiers.DAYTIME;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finally, apply the master SPEED_MODIFIER from the device's config.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
return (float) (calculatedSpeed * this.getMultiplicativeSpeedModifier());