
import mods.pyrotech.CompostBin;


static void removeRecipeByInput(
  IIngredient input // input ingredient to match

static void removeRecipesByOutput(
  IIngredient output // output ingredient to match

static void addRecipe(
  IIngredient output, // recipe output
  IItemStack input    // recipe input

static void addRecipe(
  IIngredient output, // recipe output
  IItemStack input,   // recipe input
  int compostValue    // range [1,16]

static void setGameStages(
  Stages stages // game stages

Sets game stage logic required to use the device.


import mods.pyrotech.CompostBin;

CompostBin.addRecipe(<pyrotech:mulch> * 4, <minecraft:string>);
CompostBin.addRecipe(<pyrotech:mulch> * 4, <minecraft:diamond>, 4);