import mods.pyrotech.DryingRack;
static void addRecipe(
string name, // unique recipe name
IItemStack output, // recipe output
IIngredient input, // recipe input
int dryTimeTicks, // recipe duration in ticks
@Optional boolean inherited // true if the recipe should be inherited
static void removeRecipes(
IIngredient output // output ingredient to match
static void removeAllRecipes();
static void setGameStages(
Stages stages // game stages
Sets game stage logic required to use the device.
static void setBiomeSpeed(
float speed,
string biome
Sets the device's base speed in the given biome.
static void setBiomeSpeed(
float speed,
string[] biomes
Sets the device's base speed in the given biomes.
import mods.pyrotech.DryingRack;
// dried plant fibers in 30 seconds
DryingRack.addRecipe("dried_plant_fibers_from_plant_fibers", <pyrotech:material:13>, <pyrotech:material:12>, 30 * 20);