import mods.pyrotech.SoakingPot;
static void addRecipe(
string name, // unique recipe name
IItemStack output, // recipe output
ILiquidStack inputFluid, // input fluid
IIngredient inputItem, // input item
int timeTicks // recipe duration in ticks
static void addRecipe(
string name, // unique recipe name
IItemStack output, // recipe output
ILiquidStack inputFluid, // input fluid
IIngredient inputItem, // input item
boolean requiresCampfire, // needs to be above a campfire
int timeTicks // recipe duration in ticks
static void removeRecipes(
IIngredient output // output ingredient to match
static void removeAllRecipes();
static void setGameStages(
Stages stages // game stages
Sets game stage logic required to use the device.
import mods.pyrotech.SoakingPot;
// tarred planks in 8 minutes
SoakingPot.addRecipe("tarred_planks_from_planks", <pyrotech:planks_tarred>, <liquid:wood_tar>, <ore:plankWood>, 8 * 60 * 20);